CCC Overseas Honduras

A look at what happened at CCC Overseas this year. If you want to get involved and give visit or email

Stop and Remember

I know, because of our American culture, those words are going to flash all over the screen tomorrow. Stop and Remember. And we should. Tomorrow is an insane day in our history, not just in the States, but around the world. But I was reading Storyline Blog this afternoon and came across this post:

Interesting. It’s interesting to me because I’ve been doing that this week and I had no idea. In a world that is rapidly moving forward-I mean did you see the new iPhone 5s and 5c, they are sick!- it is important for us to stop and remember what God has done. I hope you’ll join me and thinking through the past year of your life, and celebrating God’s faithfulness.

That is all. Oh, and you should read yesterday’s blog and drop some change in the bucket. (Shameless plug.)

I’ve been home for a month.

The idea that I was in Honduras just a little over a month ago blows my mind. Last Thursday also was the mark of me being in North Carolina for 1 year. To think of all that has happened in 1 year is overwhelming. At this time 1 year ago I felt like I was on vacation. The idea of spending 2 months in Honduras was far from my mind. The idea of working for CCC was further from my mind. God had huge plans, he just had not let me in on them yet. 

Now sitting at the 1 month mark of being home from Honduras, I have had a lot of time to reflect but not near enough time to process it all. God is faithful, even when I am not. He is strong, especially when I am not. He allows flawed, broken humans to carry out his plan on this earth and I don’t get it. But I know that, for this time, Concord, North Carolina at the Carolina Cross Connection office is where he has placed me. 2014 registration is in full swing for Honduras. Introduction meetings are all over my calendar. Interest is at a high level because we brought all 75 people back and because those 75 are passionate about what God is doing in Honduras. We have 25 people going to College Week in Honduras in December, and a church is interested in going in April over Spring Break. All of this to say my reflection time was the week after I returned home, my processing time is jumbled with thinking about the future. 

Don’t get me wrong, I could not be more excited about getting 2014 started. And honestly I love Introduction Meetings because I get to talk about what God did this summer over and over again. But to process everything we saw this summer, the lessons that God taught me personally, and the pruning that has been taking place it’s going to take awhile. 

There is a really cheesy saying in the church, but most of the time the cheesy is what sticks, it says “God does not called the equipped, he equips the called.” I don’t know he said it but it sounds Rick Warren-ish. That guy is full of catchy sayings! Anyway, it is truth. When I think about my life and how God has equipped me to do this whole Honduras thing, it’s crazy! I think about walking into Jason Harmeyer’s office 4 years ago and asking if J High could go overseas and him pointing to Manna and Manna pointing me to Honduras. Taking groups there and falling in love with that place. And now it is like my 3rd home (Odessa, Concord, Honduras…just in case you were trying to figure that out). God equipped me with great experiences and great people. He equipped me with skills, vision and passion. And he is still working on equipping me with pure compassion and the gift of learning when to shut up. Actually, I think he’s done his job there, he’s just waiting on me. He equipped our campers this summer. And because they were willing to follow him, it was a great summer. 

I’ve had a lot of people ask me my favorite moment of the summer, and it was Refugio (all Honduran campers from the orphanages) when our translators pinned the campers. For those of you in the CCC world you understand the word pinned. To the rest of you it sounds painful, so let me explain. We give out a Fishhook pin at the end of every week, with the commission from Jesus to go and make fishers of men. My staff pinned our incredible bilingual students and then they in turn pinned the campers. I was adamant about this happening because it just makes more since for Hondurans to pin Hondurans. The bilingual students (whom will all be on staff one day!) were calling people from their nation (orphans from Honduran orphanages) to rise up and love people well and tell them about Jesus. That’s my reflection. That is why I know God has called us to do this. To tell the nations, and equip the nations to proclaim Jesus’ name. Bringing people from the States has a whole different spin. They are coming to see and to go back and tell their nation what they saw. But Refugio and Un Dia is our opportunity to equip Hondurans to go tell Hondurans about Jesus.

I know I’ve rambled for too long. And I honestly, we need your help to continue Refugio and Un Dia in 2014. We do all of the programming, lodging and food for them for free. For Refugio we bring them to camp in Pena Blanca for the weekend, for Un Dia we rent a camp in San Pedro Sula for the day. To make it all happen we have to raise the funds and that is where you come in. Maybe you can’t go to Honduras, or maybe you went this summer and you have seen the need. Everyone is needed in this. Give $10 (or $1,000,000) and pass the link along. Thanks for taking time to read this and if you are not able to give don’t worry, I need your prayers just as much. Click the link below to check it out. There’s a great video and pictures as well. We know the Spanish sub-titles are not 100% accurate, we are working on it!

Week 4 Day 4 and 5

Saying goodbye is never easy. I was reminded yesterday how much God truly loves us by how this team said goodbye at Nueva yesterday. If I can get emotional about leaving someone I’ve known for 2 months or even 3 days how much harder is it for God when I turn and walk away and he’s known me for eternity? He has been faithful and mighty all summer and he sent an amazing group this week. Today they are serving at 2 different private orphanages and I cannot wait to hear what God has taught them today.
We have a few under the weather today so please join us and praying that they feel 100% soon! They are tired but serving so hard. I’m grateful to be a part of this team today.

Week 4 days 2 and 3

The team is going great! I’m so thankful for their attitudes and just their willingness to do the hard things. They are meshing so well as a team even though they are from 4 different churches. It has honestly been so encouraging to watch them work together and love these kids as one body of Christ. The past two days that have been serving in a public orphanage and have had to see and handle some hard things. There have been a lot of dirty diapers, a lot of rough kids from rough backgrounds and so much love and patience. I’m so thankful to be serving along side of these people. Tomorrow is their last day at that orphanage and ours as well. We start the goodbye process tomorrow and I’m scared and sad about that process. But I’m so thankful to be a part of what God has done here in Honduras.

Keep praying. There is so much more God wants to do here this week.

Week 4 Day 1

There are not words for how refreshing these people are. Everyone arrived safely and ready to go. And shockingly enough everything ran on time. I completely understand that this will never happen again but it was really cool today. These people are fresh. They are hungry for God’s word and I really feel like God has big things in store for them this week. I’m thankful to be on the journey with these people. Week 1 was our terrified week, Week 3 was our learning week and I’m praying that Week 4 will be our confirming week. Adam comes tomorrow, along with Carol who has been an incredible trooper today. I am so thankful for her attitude and grace today. And I’m so thankful that Adam is coming to hang out with us this week! My staff is awesome, we miss Ellen, but God was gracious and gave us her mom this week. And her mom brought cookies, so that’s awesome. Keep praying as this team heads to Nueva Esperanza tomorrow to serve. Pray for safety and health and for lives to be changed.

This summer so far…

So often this summer I have written about all of the good things, and honestly just scratched the surface of all of the good things God has done this summer.  He has introduced me to lifelong friends in my staff and workers at the orphanages. He has opened doors that I could have only dreamed about being open. He has provided an opportunity to serve alongside some amazing churches. He has given me a voice and a presence in 10 different orphanages in Honduras. He has placed dreams and thoughts in me that a year ago I would have laughed at. He has made things hard so I have to learn. He taught me how to live my life by needs and desires instead of a schedule. He has taught me that people matter infinitely more than my idea of how things should go. He has protected us, so far, in what our country calls a dangerous place. He has blown my expectations of what I thought this summer would be out of the water. He has made me whole, shattered me and is working on making me whole again. He has let me see his work in injustice and let me be a small part of the solution. He has given me vision of what a version of missions could look like. He has taken the guitar out of my hands and made me worship. He has taught me to be a branch. He has given me so many families that love me fully, even when I’m too much. He has loved me. And honestly I don’t understand why 99% of the time. He has shown me that I’m not good enough, but he is. He has made me long for him more and pursued me more in the past 2 months through people and his word. I could go on…

There is also another side of the story. Living in a 3rd world country for 2 months with 75 campers from the States and over 120 campers from Honduras, working with 4 college students has had its downside. I’m over bugs. I miss air conditioning and when I get it I love it too much. I’m moody, my staff can also be moody. Have I mentioned it can be hot. There is serious injustice in this place. The economy is terrible. The gap between the rich and the poor is sickening. There are children who need homes. The orphanages need more workers because they are tired, because they need help. There are kids who have seen more violence and brokenness in their short lifespan than most people in the States will ever see. I expect too much out of my families. I want them to understand what I’ve seen even if they were here for a week, and I can’t do that because I just get angry and judgmental. I toy with the idea of just staying here because I know what God for me at home is hard. I want the easy way out of instead of following his plan. I miss certain people but not certain places. I find my mind wandering about how to make this adventure better and then getting frustrated because I know it’s going to be hard and I’m going to continue to be misunderstood. I haven’t processed everything because I know God’s plan through me and CCC is huge and it scares me. I’m a slave to myself most of the time because I think I know everything. Then in the quiet I realize I know nothing. I’m 27 and people have expectations of me that I will fail at and disappoint. The label of perfect has been placed on me at times and I know I am FAR from perfect. I love teenagers and sometimes don’t like adults (which to some is a fault and some would place this in the first paragraph). I want to know Jesus more but sometimes I find myself comfortable with where I am. The list could go on…

This week has been interesting. Where we’ve been talking about going home a lot we started to realize how sad that is actually going to be. Ellen’s grandma died Monday and she left on Tuesday, and that is when things got weird. All of us confessed we were a little jealous she was getting to go home, and then we realized that home is good but so is this place. Tuesday night we had a cool experience of being able to see CATs in Spanish. Two of our translators were in the show, it was cool to experience that culture. Wednesday we woke up and went to the beach because we’ve been talking about it all summer. It was beautiful and refreshing and nice to just spend time with my staff. Thursday we headed back to El Progresso and painted at Miqueas and Pronino. We painted another room at Miqueas and continued on a sign for Pronino. We then headed to Tara and Jorge’s for Hosanna’s 1st birthday party, which was awesome! We were able to see Sandra, who is like my mom here. She is good people. Friday was a very interesting day for us as a team. We met Angie, who runs Hogar Esperanza, for lunch in the mountains and then went to see her new property. Right now she has a little over 20 kids and with this new property and development she will be able to have over 100 kids.  Lunch was incredible because she spoke great truth into us. We’ve been talking to our groups about reverse culture shock but honestly we are going to struggle hard with the same things. She had a great perspective for us moving forward. The property is beautiful and they have started building. There will be 5 girl houses and 5 guy houses, a chapel, a camp, a futbol field, housing for tias, a storage unit. Needless to say it’s so good. It is 27 acres full of a lot of hope. Then we went to Hogar Enmanuel and saw how huge and awesome that is. It was great to see those things and listen to my staff reflect on how they could help. It was all good but I wanted more for the kids stuck at Nueva and Casitas and the kids on the streets. I don’t know how to write it but my emotions are all over the place. There is so much to process and I don’t know where to begin. I am so thankful for the groups that have come and the group coming tomorrow. They bring such a fresh perspective to what we’ve seen all summer. My point is, is that God has taught me more than I can hold. I’m overwhelmed, tired, excited, scared and know that there is so much more in store. I’m thankful for this opportunity, I’m thankful for how everything has played out. And while there are a few things I wish I could have done differently, I’m glad they have turned out the way they did. We have 10 days left and I just keep asking God for more. More wisdom, more clarity, more of his spirit.

Keep praying, we’re not done yet!

End of Week 3

The week ended incredibly well. I am so thankful for the time we had with this team and for the work they did this week. It was a challenging week for many reasons, but God taught us more than we could talk about on the ride home. We learned a lot about ourselves and we learned a lot about how to structure next year. We worked in two different orphanages the last two days, Miquaes and Pro Nino. Both projects went well, but more importantly our time with the kids was awesome. We were able to lay the foundation for friendships to come, build a playground, paint the boys rooms, and build a new welcome sign. It was incredible to watch God work in this church. 

We dropped the group off this morning with a lot of tears and a lot of a lot plans for this church’s future in Honduras. I’m grateful to be a part of that team! We found out about an hour ago that Ellen’s grandma passed away this morning. She will be leaving us tomorrow afternoon. Please be in prayer for her and her family as they travel to California this week to celebrate her grandma’s life. We are going to miss her a lot this week, but I’m grateful she gets to be with her family. 

Thank you again for your prayers. We are praying for Week 4 as they prepare to come this way. There are so many goodbyes we have to do this week so please be praying for that as well. We are on the home stretch with so many new things to learn in the days ahead. What an incredible journey it’s been. 

Week 3 so far

For some reason, WordPress has decided to stop working with my internet so I have found a few minutes and a Dunkin Donuts and I’m hoping this will work! I have written a blog for every day the team has been here so this will be multiple blogs in one. 


Our team arrived Monday, 31 strong! It was so good to see them, being that they are my church family as well. I’m so excited to share this journey with them this week. This group of people has been faithful to praying for this journey from the beginning and I am excited to have them here. Today we went to Nueva Esperanza, which is a public orphanage with about 100 kids from newborn to 13. Honestly, it is a hard place for my staff because we just know how good it can be. There are extremely hard working Tias there that love the kids fully, and it truly is a honor to serve alongside of them this week as well. As it is with any camp week there are things to work out but we are thankful that God has us on this journey. The team did an incredible job today just loving people. If you want to read about this team from their perspective go to and click the slide on the homepage that says Honduras.

I know there are a lot of you reading this blog from a Carolina Cross Connection perspective and I am so grateful that you are taking the time to do that. But for those of you that know me personally, I just want to share my heart for a second. Please pray for me this week. This is a hard week for me because I have 3 worlds colliding at once. Please don’t hear this as a complaint! Because honestly it is proof of God’s faithfulness to have home (Joel and Kameron) my new home (Forest Hill) and this Honduras thing (staff, programing, etc.) all at one time. I’m struggling with balance. I knew it would be hard, but honestly tonight I am just overwhelmed, in both a good and a bad way. All three things are perfect, all three things God has used in incredible ways in my life, but my brain and my control freak self wants all three to be happy all of the time and for this week to be perfect and that is unreasonable of me. Just pray that I can remain. Remain in who God has called me to be here this week and not what I want others to experience here. Pray that I can let go and just be here this week. I know these words don’t come as a surprise to any of you, because you know that pride has always been my biggest struggle. Satan is using that in a big way already this week and I want to be able to give God control of every circumstance.


This has served with everything they have. It has been hot and a lot of work but they have risen to the challenge. They are loving the kids at Nueva fully and coming back to camp spent because they have given everything they have! I am so thankful to be serving along side of them. They are building friendships that are truly going to last a life time. I also have Will Adams here filming a promo video for our 2014 trips. We were able to go to Hogar Esperanza and talk to a few students about their stories and their experience at Refugio. It was an incredible time and I am so thankful for his help!


Today started a little rough, we had a several people not feeling well and just worn out. The team headed back to Nueva for the last day and I know goodbyes are going to be hard. I stayed at camp with some people but the stories I heard last night about how the goodbyes went filled me up and tore me a part at the same time. There is no doubt that God has called us here and has called us to love these people fully. I am so excited looking forward to what God is going to do through this church and the churches that have come this summer. Most of the people not feeling well were better by dinner and we just spend the night in prayer. Tomorrow we split the group into two groups and go to two different orphanages. Another CCC Honduras first. I’m excited to see how it goes tomorrow. I am continually overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness. 


I just dropped one of the groups off and now I’m sitting in Dunkin Donuts! This morning was much better than yesterday. We have two groups at two orphanages today! Right after I post this I will be heading to the store to buy lunches and visit both groups. It is truly incredible watching all of this come together. God has blown my expectations. He has been faithful, powerful and I am humbled to be used in this way. A couple of days ago Taylor, Will and I were riding to an orphanage and she reminded me that I don’t have everything figured out. I know that but sometimes my pride gets in the way. I am so thankful for her truth, she is right, I don’t have everything figured out and God is leading me through a crazy adventure, and I am so grateful to be sharing it with this team this week! I will update tomorrow and let you know how the split went. Pray for our team that they will all feel 100% throughout the day and tomorrow. The staff and this team are working so hard this week and loving with everything they have. Pray that God will fill them up as they pour His love out.

Sunday Funday

Good morning! What a weekend we have had here. First, I just opened an email from our HOME staff, and I cannot tell you how blessed I am to be serving with those people. I am proud to be on their team. Our Service Weeks staff and HOME staff start a camp week today, so please be praying for them this week as they get to love on so many people. I’m seriously blessed to be a part of this ministry. 

Un Dia yesterday was awesome! We ended up with 60 campers from 3 different orphanages. It was a lot of soccer, a few crafts, some crazy relays and teaching from John 15. It has been an incredibly honor to teach John 15 so many times this summer. It brings new light every time we open it up. There were some awesome connections between orphanage leaders yesterday, which was not part of the original intent but so much greater than I could have imagined. God is up to big things in this country and he has placed some incredible families to lead that charge. These students have become our friends, I am not just responsible for them, I am part of them. Dalton said something several weeks ago that I cannot shake, he said, “It’s not that we are serving them it’s we are serving us.” It is incredibly true, and God is teaching me so much about how to love well. I am passionate about changing the way we look at missions. If I could wipe out the white superior and the Santa Claus mission model I would do it today. More on that thought later, because honestly I really don’t want to be judgmental, I’m just passionate about us being a part of a better story than that. 

That’s another thing we’re doing. Our staff is working through Donald Miller’s Storyline. It’s been incredible. It’s designed to help you write the best story with your life. He takes you through how a novelist writes a character and asks you to do the same with your story. It helps bring clarity and solid direction. And doing it with the staff has been so good for us to get to know each other better and grow closer together. 

Today we are delivering materials to Nueva Esperanza, having lunch with the tia at Hogar Santidad (she’s cooking for us and I’m super pumped!) then making sure we have everything in order for Week 3! We are so excited to have Forest Hill serving with us next week. I know God has huge things in store. Please be praying for their travel and their time here. We are ready for them but know God has things in store we haven’t even dreamed about. 

Also, shout out to my girl Allie Almond (who went to Honduras with us as a 7th and 8th grader-so that makes her a 9th grader…well going into 10th!), who heads to Honduras tomorrow by herself to serve with Bill and Kathy in Guaimaca. I cannot tell you how proud I am of her and her courage is inspiring. You are never to young to give God control of your life, even if it seems crazy! I’m proud of her parents and family for believing that. I’m praying that God gives her clarity while she is serving there and that her live as a testimony will call others into action. Get it girl!

Pray for Week 3!